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Miastoprojekt Wrocław oversaw the modernization of the chlorine plant

Opening of a large investment in the Department of Production of Chlorine and Hydrochloric Acid PCC Rokita SA is a significant step forward in the development of the chemical industry. The investment of PCC Rokita SA is based on the technology of UHDE GmbH and its industry investor is a German company PCC SE. The investment was from the very beginning supervised by Miastoprojekt Wrocław. The changes included a partial reconstruction of the node of the chlorine electrolysis and building of brine polishing node in the existing Department of Production of Chlorine and Hydrochloric Acid (CTP-1) PCC Rokita SA. The result is a change in chlorine production technology from mercury cell to membrane, allowing for the adjustment of production to the highest requirements, as well as to the current global trends. A very important dimension of the project is its importance to the environment. Both by reducing emissions and environmental impact on water and soil, the investment will lead to a significant reduction in interference with the natural surroundings. Building classified as „acoustic screen” will cause the substantial reduction in noise. The focus of investors on the introduction of new technologies is not only a quest for raising the attractiveness of services. It is also an expression of concern for the environment and evidence of a responsible approach to business.

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