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Miastoprojekt Wrocław, meeting the needs of its Clients in the field of energy security, diversification of energy sources and creation of RES-based solutions, increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and processes, as well as effective energy management aimed at generating savings in the consumption of key utilities, has launched a new area of its activity Miastoprojekt ENERGY. Its purpose is to carry out investments in the construction of RES installations and energy storage, to create and implement technological concepts that increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions of harmful substances, including CO2, as well as to provide customers with Energy Management services including management of electricity, system heat, hot water and gas consumption based on smart metering technology.
In the field of RES investments and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and processes, together with our experts and technology partners, we create concepts for solutions based on individual technologies or their combinations creating the so-called hybrid solutions, prepare project documentation and conduct the process of obtaining all the necessary arrangements and administrative decisions, and conduct the entire investment process by comprehensively managing the contract.
The Energy Management service we offer to our clients involves conducting an energy audit, developing an optimization program with specific actions aimed at generating the assumed savings and its implementation, monitoring of media consumption based on smart metering technology and care of an Energy Manager dedicated to the project.
Expanding the existing activities of Miastoprojekt Wrocław to include the field of ENERGY is not only a business decision, but also a real contribution to the decarbonization of the Polish economy. By combining our previous experience in the implementation of engineering services and management of investment contracts with the technologies of our partners, we provide a new quality in terms of a comprehensive approach to the effective use of green energy - support for the start-up of its production and storage, as well as prevention of its loss through energy inefficient processes and generation of losses at the level of its consumption.
At the same time, we are aware that taking care of natural resources, moving away from conventional energy based on fossil fuels and switching to energy from renewable sources, implementing a closed loop economy, rational energy management and reducing pollution levels today are no longer "options to choose from", but necessary directions of development to operate in a safe, cost-optimal but also environmentally sustainable business model.
We also treat care for the natural environment as an integral element of the code of conduct in our company. This is due to concern for the well-being of the environment, which is also inextricably linked with our well-being. Thus, we decided to provide in our Company the Environmental Policy.
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