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Miastoprojekt Wrocław is a Content Partner

The first industrial BIM event in Poland will take place from 26 to 28 May. The conference will be an opportunity for a wide discussion among experts and practitioners on digital solutions in factory design and management.

Miastoprojekt Wrocław Sp. z o.o. assuming the title of the Content Partner of the event, he will give a lecture on the construction of a sports center in Polana Jakuszycka - the first public task of this type in Poland, the implementation of which in BIM has been defined as a requirement of the Ordering Party. During the second day of the conference, Norbert Paszkowski, head of the Project Management Team at the construction site of the Lower Silesian Sports Center, will talk about it. The use of the BIM methodology in practice on the example of the construction of the Cross-country Skiing and Biathlon Center in Szklarska Poręba-Jakuszyce.

From the very beginning, it was an interesting challenge, but it also made the whole process unique. In his lecture, the Project Manager of the Project Manager will raise the subject of the methodology of selecting the Project Manager, share the knowledge of what studies were created at this stage and talk about the essence of using BIM in the design phase. Of course, there will be practical information about the investment that will familiarize the participants of the conference with the ways of using BIM at the construction site in Jakuszyce, including: terrain and construction site modeling, schedule control or the principles of cooperation between team members.

Practice and trends

The number and variety of advanced technologies that make up modern factories - the so-called Factories 4.0 or Factories of the Future - makes the managers of manufacturing companies need new, digital ways to design, build and manage their maintenance. Therefore, the importance of the BIM methodology in industry is growing every year. Not only is the way of designing, but also the way of using and managing industrial facilities changing.

BIM4industry 2021 is the first meeting in Poland around the idea of ​​BIM in industry. It connects the circles involved in the popularization and implementation of this methodology in our country - representatives of the legislative authorities, public administration, investors, as well as designers and contractors.

The speakers include, among others Anna Kornecka, Deputy Minister of Development, Labor and Technology, Dorota Cabańska, acting Chief Inspector of Building Supervision, dr inż. Paweł Tadejko, an expert of the Future Industry Platform or Jarosław Sosnowski from the Department of Architecture, Construction and Surveying, Ministry of Regional Development, and almost 20 experts and practitioners of BIM methodology in the field of design, construction and investment law.

- Until now, there has not been an event on such a scale in Poland that would enable a discussion on BIM in industry to all (or almost all) environments involved in the implementation of this methodology in our country. I believe that there is much more in common than between us - great experts, passion, experience, willingness to build knowledge, well-coordinated teams are something that both designers, contractors and representatives of the authorities can boast about. It's time to meet and talk about trends and practice - says Katarzyna Orlińska-Dejer, president of BIM Klaster and organizer of the BIM4industry 2021 conference.

3 days, 20 lectures, 6 workshops

BIM4industry 2021 is a 3-day conference that lasts from May 26 to 28. The organizers emphasize trends (including international ones) and the development plan facing the construction and industrial sectors in Poland, as well as the practical dimension of implementing the BIM methodology. Practitioners who will share their experiences with the participants of the event, talk about the highlights and shadows of implemented projects and give tips on how to prepare for the changes that await us, were invited to cooperate.

The first day, inaugurated with a lecture by Anna Kornecka, was the presentation of the main speakers and the debate "Digitization of the construction process - next steps" with the participation of representatives of MRPiT, Platforma Przemysłu Przyszłość, Dolnośląskie Centrum Oncologii, the Central Office of Construction Supervision and BIM Klaster. On the second day, participants can choose two thematic paths: Investors & Contractors, as well as Designers. Finally, meetings will be held in closed discussion rooms (admissions limit), moderated by BIM experts. The third day will be devoted entirely to workshops conducted on two thematic paths.


The event is held under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology, the Future Industry Platform Foundation and Witold Kozłowski - Marshal of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The Main Partner of the event is WSC, and the Substantive Partners: Miastoprojekt Wrocław and ePMflow.

The main media patron is Business Insider Polska. The media patrons are: Builder, Miesięcznik Material Budowlane, Magazyn Przemysłowy, Factories in Poland and,

The conference is also supported by: Krakow Technology Park, Business Finland, buildingSMART Finland, the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Business in Małopolska, the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland, the Association of Consulting Engineers and Experts and the Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster.


BIM Cluster - the Cluster of Information Technologies in Construction (BIM Cluster) is a supra-regional network of cooperative relations promoting an open view on the use of innovative technologies in construction. BIM Cluster was established in 2012 on the initiative of several companies from the Małopolskie voivodship. Today it functions as an officially registered association of pro-innovative and highly specialized micro, small, medium and large enterprises from all over Poland. BIM Klaster is the organizer of, among others Designing the Future conference - industry-recognized, the oldest (since 2014) conference dedicated to modern technologies, with particular emphasis on BIM, organized in Poland. More information:

hub4industry - Digital Innovation Hub of the Krakow Technology Park and partners: ASTOR, T-Mobile Polska, the University of Science and Technology, Krakow University of Technology and experts from BIM Cluster and the Kosciuszko Institute. It is a one-stop shop for manufacturing companies that are planning digital transformation and want to introduce state-of-the-art solutions to their factories. hub4industry is one of the five digital innovation hubs established as part of the competition of the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology entitled "Standardization of digital innovation hub services to support the digital transformation of enterprises" under the "Industry 4.0" program for 2019-2021.

A detailed agenda and a list of speakers can be found at:

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