The new European Bauhaus - what is it?
It is an initiative that expresses the EU's commitment to creating beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places, products and living conditions. It promotes a new lifestyle where sustainability is combined with style, so as to accelerate green transformation in various sectors of the economy, e.g. in construction, furniture, fashion and other areas of our daily life, as well as in our society.

How was the competition going?
Both EU and third-country nationals could apply for the New European Bauhaus Awards until 31 May 2021, as long as their concepts, ideas and projects were actually implemented or physically located in the EU. Associates, partners and consortia could also submit applications.
Young people who were under 30 on May 31, 2021, could compete in the "Rising Stars of the New European Bauhaus" competition. Over 2,000 applications from all EU countries. Applications that met the criteria were published on the Internet and put to a public vote. The three projects with the highest number of votes in each category and competition were assessed by the partners of the new European Bauhaus.
Polish accent in the competition
Among the finalists we had representatives of Poland in both categories! The organizers of the IF - Social Design for Sustainable Cities conference, which took place on October 23, 2020 in Warsaw, competed for the main prize of the "New European Bauhaus Award" in the Mobilization of culture, arts and communities path. The virtual debate focused on the role of culture and social design in sustainable urban development. You can read more about the event itself here:
On the other hand, in the category for young and creative people in the Reinvented places to meet and share path, we had a representative from Lower Silesia, a proposal from Radwanice near Wrocław. As we read in the description, "The project deals with the privatization and individualisation of urban development in rural areas in Poland. The idea is to create a modular building system that allows you to create a common space, located on the border, between neighbors. It removes fences, and thus social relations, now somewhat locked in today's closed society. This solution promotes a sense of community and enables communities to be more environmentally and economically resilient. ' More about the project from Radwanice:
Best of the best
60 projects advanced to the grand finale, out of which winners in 10 different categories were selected. Winners in each category will receive 30,000. euro.
Unfortunately, at the last stage, the projects submitted by Polish representatives were not appreciated by the competition committee, but we should appreciate the originality of the projects submitted by Polish authors and their commitment.
In the competition "Rising Stars of the New European Bauhaus" 10 prizes worth 15 thousand zlotys were awarded. euro each in recognition of concepts and ideas developed by young talents under 30 years of age.

• ERDEN PURE WALLS (Austria) in the category "Techniques, materials and construction and design processes"
• HANGING GARDENS (Spain) in the category "Buildings renovated according to the circular principle"
• ROSANA (Germany) in the category "Solutions for the joint evolution of the built environment and nature"
• LA FÁBRIKA DE TODA LA VIDA (Spain) in the category "Revitalized urban and rural spaces"
• AYR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM (Portugal) in the "Products and Lifestyle" category
• XIFRÉ ROOF: "RISING" WILD GARDEN (Spain) in the category "Preserved and transformed cultural heritage"
• ULIA GARDEN (Spain) in the category "Reimagined meeting and interaction places"
• ESSERI URBANI (Italy) in the "Mobilization of culture, art and community" category
• APROP CIUTAT VELLA (Spain) in the category "Modular, flexible and mobile solutions that make life easier"
• DESIGN STUDIES. UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA (Spain) in the "Interdisciplinary Models of Education" category.

• APARTMENT IN A CLOSED SPACE (Spain) in the category "Techniques, materials and construction and design processes"
• NON-WASTE HOUSE (Slovenia) in the category "Buildings renovated according to the circular principle"
• NEST (Spain) in the category "Solutions for the joint evolution of the built environment and nature"
• THE ENVIRONMENTAL DISTRICT OF PORTO DI MARE (Italy) in the category "Revitalized urban and rural spaces"
• MATERIEUNITE (Italy) in the "Products and Lifestyle" category
• MODERNIZATION OF THE UNESCO FACILITY IN IVREA (Italy) in the category "Preserved and transformed cultural heritage"
• SOCIAL RECOVERY AFTER THE DISASTER (Italy) in the "Reimagined meeting and interaction places" category
• SPACES RECONNECTING CITIZENS AND CITIES (Spain) in the "Mobilization of culture, art and community" category
• FLATS FOR HOMEMADE PERSONS (Denmark) in the category "Modular, flexible and mobile solutions that make life easier"
• KLASSE KLIMA (Germany) in the "Interdisciplinary models of education" category.
What was the level of submitted projects?
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: These projects give us optimism about the fight against climate change and the implementation of the European Green Deal. The nominated and winning projects in the New European Bauhaus awards show that change is not only possible, but is already happening throughout the European Union, in all sectors of our economy. I am delighted to see how the "New European Bauhaus" initiative is developing thanks to the wide interest, many talents, skills, innovation and diversity across Europe. The new European Bauhaus combines the grand vision of the European Green Deal with tangible changes in our environment to improve our daily lives.
Cohesion and Reform Commissioner Elisa Ferreira said: The astonishing level of participation in both competitions - the "New European Bauhaus" and the Rising Stars of the New European Bauhaus - shows us the incredible quantity and quality of great ideas and talent that need an incentive to make our regions , make cities and towns more sustainable, beautiful and inclusive places to live. These awards will inspire others to innovatively improve living conditions for all. The future has already come.
Marija Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth: I am delighted with the enthusiasm, professionalism and creativity expressed in the excellent projects presented in the competition for the New European Bauhaus Awards. I am also glad that so many young people took part. Award-winning projects show that by combining our efforts in the fields of fine arts, education, research and innovation, we can build sustainable, inclusive and accessible environments that improve the quality of life for all.
Where can you see the final works?

We invite you to the virtual gallery, where all the awarded works are presented, here we will also learn more about the authors and the project itself.
Compiled by on the basis of materials