A Working Group for BIM has been established at the Ministry of Development and Technology.
Tasks of the Group
The primary task of the group is to provide support to the Ministry in activities related to the implementation of BIM in Poland and to develop strategies for the implementation of BIM in Poland, including in particular: preparation of architectural and construction administration and building supervision for the implementation of investment projects in the construction industry in accordance with the BIM methodology. Furthermore, the Group prepares proposals for legislative activities concerning the implementation of investment projects in the construction industry in accordance with the BIM methodology, including public procurement.
Composition of the Group
The Board of Group is composed of:
Chairman - Tomasz Piotrowski
Vice-Chairman - Dariusz Kasznia
Secretary - Katarzyna Orlińska-Dejer - President of the Management Board of BIM Cluster Association to which Miastoprojekt Wrocław belongs.

Miastoprojekt Wrocław also contributes to the introduction of BIM in Poland.
In 2019-20, as part of a project led by the Ministry of Development and supported by the European Commission, together with several industry organisations we participated in the creation of the study "Digitisation of the construction process in Poland". As a result of the work, a "Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement" was developed.
In terms of implementation and application of BIM in practice, the project we are particularly proud of is the construction of the Cross-Country Skiing and Biathlon Center in Jakuszyce. This is the first so comprehensive use of BIM technology in Poland and both one of the factors that determine why the Lower Silesian Sports Center in Jakuszyce will be one of the most modern facilities of its kind in Poland.